Space Studies

Space Studies (2017)
multi-media performance / installation
Sound is a primarily spatial phenomenon. How exactly does sound take shape and move within an environment? How do dynamics, reflection, and absorption transform sound? How does the visual interact with the listener's aural perception?
With my “Space Studies” performance-installation project, I explore the interplay between the acoustic, architectural, and emotional relationships within a given space. I perform with analog equipment such as radio, tape recorder, slide projector, and found objects such as a bucket, a mirror, a fan, lights, etc. I arrange and rearrange these tools and objects, manipulating the sonic and visual fields within a space as a total environment.
There is a rich history of composers drawing attention to sound's spatial qualities – Alvin Lucier, Maryanne Amacher, and Phill Niblock have designed works that utilize the acoustic characteristics of a room. Aligning myself within this lineage, I hope to explore new possibilities by investigating the relationships between sound and the visual, sound and movement, sound and light.
2016 Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, USA
2017 Q-O2, Brussels, Belgium
2017 South London Gallery, London, UK (organized by thirty three thirty three)
Galerie des Étables in Sound & The City - Interference, Bordeaux, France (organized by
2017 “Aki Onda Space Studies” ArtReview by Daniel Wilson